Adam Asnan

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Info / Dates


Bella Trays (Install: f i n e)
28.04.16 - 08.05.16, 2 x points of audition 
Exhibited for f i n e at Vesselroom Project, Berlin

Bella Trays is an instrument both electronic and acoustic in nature. It's presentation may be considered a piece of music or a performance, but is neither in any serious regard. It's resonant motifs will repeat for a given duration, for any environment, and may continue irregardless of a listener's proximity or attention; It is to lend itself to being a factor within the aural ambience of this environment, comparable to a fragrance or hue.

The implements that Bella Trays now make exclusive use of, derive from a small range of instruments intended to colour or mask the spectral characteristics of a recording, and/or actuate a physical (acoustic) object by way of using that recording as an impulse. Bella Trays is the most reduced and most essential of these instruments.   

Bella Trays was exhibited alongside Zu jeglicher Schönheit entschlossen, a work by artist Markues, produced specifically in correlation to the theme of the exhibition. Both works were set against an alteration to the existing arrangement of the space, by removing the ceiling panels, exposing the concrete and piping, and putting them to work instead as makeshift platforms.

f i n e was conceived and curated by Sarah Johanna Theurer for Vesselroom Project, Berlin.

Exhibition view: Zu jeglicher Schönheit entschlossen (Markues) & Bella Trays (Asnan) (1 point of audition)

All photos courtesy of Hugo Estrela